Airline pricing has definitely gone up and yet we reap no benefits from it. Here are a few tips or ways to help purchase that ticket without breaking your bank...
Find a bank that offers Airline Miles for opening an account with them. Open a checking account that earns you flight miles. You can also do this with credit cards. (Please research and find which best works for you and how you travel). That way, you earn points each time you pay your mortgage, insurance, car payment and credit cards USING that form of payment. You will see your points grow. YES!! Then simply convert those points into air miles to pay for your flights.
And don't stop there. NO NO. Register with airline cards such as United or Emirates for FREE loyalty programs with that specific airline. As you fly with them, you accumulate miles with that airlines. Make them money points, don't let it make you lol. I learned how to redirect the same money I would pay my bills with, ( ex. mortgage, car payment); but use my loyalty point credit card to make the payments with. That way, I earned points to go towards flights and still paid my bills. It's a sure WIN WIN!!